Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Name

As you can see, I have officially renamed myself. After careful thought and consideration, I have decided on A Cup of Jo.

So whenever you feel like having a cup of Jo, just stop by and pay me a visit. Hopefully my post won't be so spaced out in the near future.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Survived.....

I am currently doing a fast, which calls for no solid foods on Wednesday. This will be every Wednesday until April 24, 2011. I thought that this was the worst thing that could have happened to me, but today wasn't so bad. I only got hungry once, and I survived. I was tempted to cheat but I said a little prayer and that temptation went away. Today was a true test. I am the type of person that usually gives into temptation, if I want it then I am going to get it, no questions asked. Today, I was so in control. I didn't devour the bag of Doritos like I wanted to or eat some fried chicken with okra. No I drunk my water, my smoothies, and ate my tomato broth/soup.

I am so proud of myself, Way to go Jo!!!!! 1 Wednesday down and I don't know how many more to go.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New Me

So, as of lately, I have been obsessed with working out, eating right, and losing weight. This started about two years ago. At my heaviest I was 154, 154 doesn't seem like a lot but on my 5'1 frame it is a lot. I will have to post a pic, but now. I have noticed that the only time I have stayed on it eating wise was when I was I was held accountable. Meaning when I had to check in for whatever weight loss challenge I committed myself to.

So I have decided that this year will be the year that I finally do it. Get to my goal weight and stay there. I have no problem exercising, its the eating part that I struggle with the most. I am going to start expressing myself more about the challenges I face here on my blog. Now this will not turn into a weight loss blog or anything like that but this blog will help me to get things off my chest, I will also let you guys know what I am doing, and what kind of food I eat. I will also check in with my weight from time to time. Just so you know, I weighed in this morning and it read 146.2. That 146.2 is a whole nother post.

So here's to a better me. Wish me luck guys.

I just realized that I started every paragraph with the word so, Funny.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Well 2010 has come to a close, and 2011 is here. I have to admit that I am excited about starting this new year. I honestly feel like good things are in store for me this year. My BFF made a comment like,"nothing changes in the new year, but its a good reason to start over." Its something like, sorry if I quoted you wrong. The point is I like what is stands for; my situation is not going to change over night but the new year gives me a reason to wipe my slate clean, work harder on my personal goals this year, and to just start anew.

I made 4 goals to complete by the end of 2010 and I am proud to say that I have completed 3 out of 4. The only one I didn't complete was to find a job. I didn't find a job but I did look for a job damn near everyday and I had tons of interviews.

So, I have made more goals to accomplish in 2011. Here they are

1. Find a job

2. Limit my cursing, especially the use of the word bytch. By doing this I would have to come up with a new blog name, any suggestions????

3. Become a healthier & better me.

4. Get a bikini body

5. To stop a disgusting habit, that I rather not mention on this blog.

6. Floss everyday

7. Try new things

I am so ready for the upcoming year.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day #2- My Number

I gave my number out today. If you recall, I wrote a post about this guy calling me a cougar. You can read it here. Anyway today he asked for my number and I gave it to him. As the day went on I received text message after text message. I couldn't respond fast enough. After all that, I kind of hate that I gave my number away. All those text messages just got to be annoying. I do have to remember that he is young, 22 to be exact.

I normally don't give my number out. I usually just take their number and never call. So me giving my number out is pretty rare. When I do give my number out and they call or text I get annoyed real quick. Like why are you calling or texting me? Weird I know. If I talk to them, I always make up an excuse to get off the phone, and today when he was texting I was giving one worded answers. To top it off when I go to the gym tomorrow, I will see him. Oh well.....

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day #1

So today is Day #1 in my little blog challenge to myself. The challenge is that I will blog for 7 days straight. That's not hard, right. I know 7 days isn't a very long steps people. You got to take me slow.

Ok, so today's topic is 10 Interesting Facts about mrsgetitbytch.

1. I love reality TV. I had always wanted to do reality TV, especially Big Brother, I honestly think I could win. I watch all types of reality though, from Flavor Flav, Survivor, Real Housewives, the Kardashians. I can go on but I won't because if its reality I am sure I have watched it at least once.

2. I like to dance. I'm not gonna say I'm the best, but in my mind I am. In my mind I can drop it low like no tomorrow, and the booty bouncing up and down. LOL. When I was little I used to want to be a video girl. I used to learn the routines from the video and perform, who am I kidding I still do it. I took ballet, tap, and modern dance lessons growing up and lately I been having a desire to do it again.

3. I love Chipotle. Chipotle is my go to place. A few years ago, I was eating it everyday. The cilantro lime rice, the whipped sour cream, and the guacamole. I even gave it a nickname, Potle'. Everybody I go with always say that I give them a hard time, because I always want extra. My point is,the food is not coming from your house, so if I am asking for more, please just pile it on. Just writing about that Potle' makes me want some right now.

4. When I watch a movie, I want it to be super quiet. One of my friends thinks its weird, but I just want to pay attention. I don't want to miss anything. I get aggravated if someone starts to talk. My family knows this, but people like my momma, just don't give a damn.

5. I hate roller coasters. Just the thought of them makes me nervous. I only rode one in my entire 30 years of living. One time, I was on the ride, in the bucket with my sister with the lap bar in place and all of a sudden I lost my nerve and squeezed out of the bucket. My sister was so mad. Get this, it was a kiddie roller coaster. My nephew and cousin who was younger than me rode with no fear.

6. I also hate driving on the freeway. When I first started driving I wouldn't go anywhere near it, but lately the freeway and I have become acquaintances. Where I live the freeway is the way to go. My friends make fun of me, because I always know the way to go on the street. I only drive certain freeways. It takes me longer to get there on the street but I don't care. The freeway just makes me nervous, my hands start to sweat, my heart start to beat fast. Its crazy I know.

7. I like to decorate and make gift baskets. I can be creative. One of my best baskets was a gift card basket for my BF birthday. I wanted it to look like a flower pot with the gift cards being the flowers. It came out better than I thought. She still has it set up the same way I gave it to her. :-) I wish I had a pic to post.

8. I don't like to wear socks or closed toe shoes. I like my toes to be free. Its weird because in the winter my feet get cold but I don't want socks on.

9. Besides reality TV, I also like to watch any show dealing with cops and murders. I love all the Law & Orders especially SVU, Criminal Minds, Without a Trace( I know it doesn't come on anymore but I watch the reruns). You get the point I like cop shows.

10. I love to karaoke this one particular song, After the Pain by Betty Wright. The song is like 6:45. When my friends and I used to go karaoke a lot, whenever it hit me, I had to do this song. One time, I even joined some strangers on stage to sing the song, they just wasn't singing it right. You have to sing this song from the heart. On that note I am going to leave you with my favorite karaoke song.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend was pretty good. On Saturday, I woke up early and went to a Zumba class with my BF. It was really cool. I have taken a Zumba class in the past but didn't like it because I didn't like the teacher. This teacher was energetic and working it. I was thinking I want my butt to move like that, maybe it will if I continue to take her classes. I also had to take my mother to the ER on Saturday as well. She's fine. Her ankle was swollen, the doctors didn't know why, they sent her home in a splint and prescription Motrin. I went home with a headache.

On Sunday I went to a new weightlifting class at the gym called BodyPump. It was a good class. It was hard because you worked every muscle group for 5 minutes straight with no breaks. I was sweating up a storm, when it came time for lunges my legs were shaking. I am still feeling the effects today. I also went to visit my grandmother in the hospital. She is such a strong woman. She has proved the doctors wrong. If it was up to them she would have been dead already. Prayer really works.

On other note, I haven't been keeping up with my blog. So I decided to give myself a blog challenge, because of the holiday I will start next week. Stay tuned.
